Учениците от хуманитарната паралелка (11.б клас) получиха задача да споделят впечатления от училищната изложба и да преведат текста си на английски език. Така беше осъществена интердисциплинарна връзка между обучението по български език (профил Езикови употреби) и по английски език при учителите Нели Несторова и Галя Панталеева. Предлагаме ви проекта на Мартина Николова и Никол Пешакова.
В заключение бихме казали, че новото време модернизира домакинството с електроуреди, които улесняват бита на семейството.
И остава въпросът: Лесен ли е бил животът на троянеца в миналото?
A week ago we visited an exhibition comparing two times - the past and the present (21st century). The event was held in the exhibition hall of ,,St. Kliment Ohridski” school, Troyan. We were impressed by the obsolete objects placed next to the contemporary ones we use every day. We loved the old clothes and shoes with all the patterns on them, but as children of the 21st century we prefer the large selection of clothes we have on the market today. Seeing the old iron, the typewriter, jurkalka / a wooden stirring spoon/, mentsi / round iron vessels that are filled with water/ and kobilitsa / a strong long wooden stick with mentsi placed at both ends so that the water can be easily carried in them / we realize how much easier our lives are now. We have running water in our houses, a telephone with which communication is much faster than it was a century ago – letters were hand-written and sent by post. It is more convenient to upload something on the internet, for example, an ad for an upcoming event than to go around the neighborhood to put up posters everywhere.
In conclusion, we would say that the new era has modernized the household with electrical appliances that facilitate the life of the family.
And the question remains: Was life easy for Troyan’s residents in the past?